"Jasdeep has a creative mind that knows how to transform abstract concepts into filmmaking. I had the opportunity to work with her on several projects, from pre to post-production. As a director she prefers to create concepts with profound meaning, and she uses that as a guide for her creative journey. Jasdeep always stays true to her values and her inspirations. Her work will never be empty, she has the ability to make people think and reflect through beautiful video art compositions." 

Laura Ferro. Producer. Director. 

"Jasdeep is a visionary. Every piece of art I've seen her create has pushed the boundaries of what currently exists. Her references and influences are as diverse and brilliant as they are sensitive and introspective, and that beautiful balance of energies manifests itself in her creations. She is a selfless collaborator, while still creating art that has a unique sense of self. The uncompromising quality of her work, and the absolute professionalism with which she conducts herself, translates into many kinds of work, from corporate to commercial to experimental. If you are lucky enough to work with her yourself, you'll understand why she is one of the great talents of this generation."

Jessica FeeProducer. Director

"I loved working with Jasdeep and getting to know her through her vision and her creativity. Jasdeep's images have so many layers and I believe those are coming from her life experience, her philosophy and her soul. It's DEEP! "

Yuko Inatsuki. Producer. Director 

"Jasdeep Kang had an impossible assignment:  Make a bunch of ugly Guerrilla Girls look good.  Members of the original unincorporated Guerrilla Girls collective, members of Guerrilla Girls Brodband, and the founder of Guerrilla Girls On Tour met for an afternoon interview and photo shoot for a cover story.  We ended up looking GOOD AND UGLY! "

Gerda Taro. Guerrilla Girls 

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